

Care For Your Eyes}

Care For Your Eyes


alice roseWe all know that eyes are very important for us but why do we tend to take them for granted. We have been to busy taking care of our skin, hair, and other parts of our body but we have put aside eye care most of the time. There are some disorders such as autism, ADD or ADHD which can possibly be misdiagnosed. Although it is not always the case, conversion deficiency can exhibit some of the same symptoms as ADD. It is possible for your child to have perfect vision, exhibit the signs of ADD and not actually have the disorder. It might not be a good idea to do this in the office, as colleagues might consider such behaviour rather odd, if not downright indulgent, if carried out in the staff room or rest area. You never know though, it could catch on because sometimes, if you think about it, accepted behaviour is the oddest!

It is probably a good idea to choose a vision care professional that can take care of your entire family. Occasionally, you will find someone who doesn’t work with kids. That shouldn’t be too much of a problem, because most of us take our children to their own doctor, the pediatrician, so their own vision care professional seems reasonable as well. If you suffer from this condition it is important that you undertake an eye care program as soon as possible because if the eyes go untreated it can possibly result in more serious problems occurring in the future. These serious symptoms can include scarring, infection of the cornea and in the most severe of cases even permanent loss of vision.

If you decide to look into this method of eye care particular steps should be taken to determine if you are an ideal candidate for LASIK eye care. An ophthalmologist should first assess your eyes, to learn how healthy they are, what variety of vision correction you require. It’s been reported that about half of all 65-year-old Americans have some stage of cataracts formed in their eyes. The developed cataracts are now considered a normal consequence of aging. Widely performed cataract surgery is the accepted care for cataract formation. Optometrists offer many of the same eye care services as an ophthalmologist, but they do not have a medical degree. Optometrists are required to have a degree from a four-year accredited college of optometry and are trained to diagnose eye disorders and conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts.

Move your head from side to side without moving your body. Keep your head stationary and then move your eyes upward and then downwards. Move your eyes left and right. Repeat this process at least half a dozen shoulder. To make eyes beautiful, after washing the eyes with triphala water apply olive or almond oil around the eyes and massage gently. It makes eye muscles strong and soft and the skin around the eyes looks healthy. A good night eye care gel or cream should serve to moisturize and restore your skin while you sleep. A good day care eye product should bring your skin alive to look radiant and energized throughout the day.

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